Monday, 18 January 2010

Global Warming report used by Governments based on a telephone call?

So now its come out that the 2035 prediction of the Himalayan glaciers melting was based entirely on speculation of one man, 8 years prior to when the IPCC issued their report in 2007...  It was a phone call made by New Scientist magazine interviewed Syed Hasnain, Indian scientist, over the phone in 1999 for an article on the subject - he merely speculated that the Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035. A few years later, the IPCC base a report which was based on another report, based on the New Scientist article, and say that the chance of it happening is greater than 90%. 

Insert foot firmly in mouth.

Oh scientific community, how are the mainstream media going to take this now?.. Not to mention Global Warming activists around the world! I was looking forward to increased taxes and turning my computer/tv off at night in order to combat this (fake) man-made global warming.

Looks like the global warming fiasco has yet another dent in its highly bullshined exterior. 

Any comments? 


Posted via email from architecture4d's posterous

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Ice Sculptures

Something I missed!

Architects tend to look at snow and ice slightly differently than the majority of other people. We tend to think about what we can build with it! Most architecture students would probably build either a giant snowman, a giant phallus, or even try to build an igloo. However real architects think  more laterally and actually build snow/ice sculptures quite well!

Featured in the AJ here is some work by Merrell O'Flaherty Architects in Harrogate.

Sunny :p

Thursday, 14 January 2010

A cash-strapped university has paid out more than £20m....


"A cash-strapped university has paid out more than £20m to sponsor sports clubs and a ballet company"

"The scale of the spending, revealed in disclosures under the Freedom of Information Act, has been blamed for a crisis at the former polytechnic, which already has one of the worst staff-to-student ratios of any British university."

"The biggest item has been the pavilion at Headingley, home of Yorkshire county cricket club. It is designed by Will Alsop, the architect..."

"...£14m on a new green and purple pavilion.."

Rumor has it the conversation between LMU and Will Alsop went something like this:

WA: Hi, so you want me to design something that will bring attention to Leeds Metropolitan University?
LMU: Yes thats exactly right. We have a large amounts of monies to spend so feel free to design anything you likes. Two things we ask are that you design it at Headingley Stadium and put a bit of purple in there.. we likes purples. 
WA: Why don't you ask your Architecture school, students and staff, to produce designs? It could be, I don't know.. some sort of competition? You know, something that will catch the media attention and perhaps raise the profile of Architecture at Leeds Met?.. I think students in postgrad or even third year would love to get involved.
LMU: OUR architecture school?
WA: Yes, your architecture school.
LMU: *rolls eyes* Erm... yeah.. sure we'll do that.. but in the mean time hows about you design us a little somethin' somethin' to whet our appetites? 
WA: Well if you insist. But it'll cost you.
LMU: Donchu worry about it Willy. We'll just increase tuition fees :)

Allegedly that is exactly how the conversation went.

Click the link below to read more about it if you haven't already.